Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Month: August, 2014

Bloomberg: Zuckerberg’s Snapchat Envy Isn’t Disappearing

Mark Zuckerberg, chief executive officer of Facebook Inc., in San Francisco. Mark Milian of Bloomberg Businessweek took on Facebook’s attempts to compete against or outdo Snapchat. The article included thoughts by Brian Solis. The allure of Snapchat is hard to ignore. Following is an excerpt of Milian’s blunt take… Mark Zuckerberg’s Snapchat envy shows no signs of abating. Facebook’s various photo-messaging apps and add-ons haven’t managed to replicate Snapchat’s popularity for any extended period of time, according to data from…

Your Workforce is Disengaged: Here’s What To Do About it

Your Workforce is Disengaged: Here’s What To Do About it

Change is in the air. With disruptive technologies hitting businesses from the outside in and the inside out, how companies invest in technology and ultimately how people use it to get work done is under significant re-evaluation. At the same time, the rising workforce clash between older and younger generations is also pushing HR to radically reform management processes and education programs. Indeed, change is the air. In fact it’s imminent. But change is never programmatic nor is it ever…

Can cartoons teach you about business? These just might

Brian Solis and Hugh MacLeod are long time friends. When Brian was writing What’s the Future of Business? Changing the way businesses create experiences, he set out to design the book as an experience unto itself. Part of that work was shape, design, layout and a whole slew of other UX strategies to make a print book matter in a digital world. Brian said that in the end, he successfully created an “analog app” by rethinking the navigation of a…

16 And Famous How Nash Grier Became The Most Popular Kid In The World

16 And Famous How Nash Grier Became The Most Popular Kid In The World

Among disruptive technologies, Brian Solis also studies popular culture online. Bianca Bosker of the Huffington Post investigated the rise of Nash Grier and how he used Vine to become the “most popular kid in the world.” On staying popular, here’s what Brian had to say… “There’s always someone coming, always someone funnier, cuter, more engaging, which is why [social media] stars today are seeking out professional managers and agents,” said Brian Solis, a digital analyst and anthropologist with the Altimeter…

Made in Detroit: How Shinola’s Good Ole Fashioned Business Values Outperform the Status Quo

You don’t know shit from Shinola. Ever heard that saying before? This World War II era colloquialism caused a movement to revive the American watchmaking industry and with it bring to Detroit yet another chapter in its storied history in manufacturing. This year at SXSWV2V, I was fortunate enough to interview Shinola president Jacques Panis live on the main stage. He’s not only the president of a thriving lifestyle company contributing to the resurgence of Detroit, he’s also incredibly genuine and…

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