Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Introducing a framework for experience architecture


Alan Quarry is one of those people that makes you smile and earns your trust and respect within minutes. He also has a pretty killer video setup. Alan invited me on his show to talk about X and I gladly accepted. The minute I plugged-in to his video feed though, I instantly wished I could teleport to his studio. #jealous.

In X, I introduce framework for experience architecture and how one can become an xperience architect. We talk about what that means in our work. We also discuss data-artistry and how we must humanize data. We must also humanize our approach to earn what I call “the embrace” to create meaningful and shareable experiences. In the show, I also explains the technique of Hollywood storyboarding to build a narrative so people can have the best brand experience.

I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I did!

Thanks Alan!


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Experience is everything…read my new book, X!

ONE COMMENT ON THIS POST To “Introducing a framework for experience architecture”

  1. Brittany Arnold says:

    I appreciated this video very much. I liked how there was a clear distinction made between a product that just provides a service and a product that actually provides an experience. Knowing that there is this difference is extremely important if companies want to be able to correctly market a product.

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