Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: stirr

Stirr Mixer 1.4 Wrap-up – An event worthy of your time

Last week’s Stirr event was definitely an indication that Silicon Valley is ready to socialize and network again. Yes, I know…before you start attributing everything to the hype of Web 2.0 and offer your premonitions of dotbomb 2.0, please read between the lines of the following wrap-up. The truth is that a group of energetic and optimistic folks decided to help reconnect Silicon Valley and generate the impression that we are all ambassadors for the next chapter in technology innovation:…

Breathing New Life into Dying Web 2.0 Start-ups

On Sunday, Dead 2.0 ran an amusing, yet poignant article that should slap Web 2.0 CEOs and marketers with a dose of reality. What started as methodologies and technologies to enhance the dynamic between site, applications and their users has blown up into what many are calling Dotbomb 2.0. The evolution of Web 2.0 is out of control now that the marketers have gotten a hold of it. Today’s self appointed Web 2.0 leaders are really nothing at all close…

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