Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tags, Tag Beacons, Naming Conventions

Since Chris Heuer, host and event organizer of Web 2point2, has requested that participants write blog posts to facilitate topics for the board to consider for the Main Talks or the “How To” sessions, I thought I’d keep the ideas flowing.

I’d like to see a discussion of new opportunities for Tags outside of Technorati.

Greg Narain of BlueWhale Labs and Social Roots and I were speaking about the idea of Tag Beacons recently during the Webguild Web 2.0 event and how they could benefit conference organizers during pre- and post- show blogosphere coverage.

For example, in this case, we came up with “webguildweb20,” but the idea would be that Webguild would provide that info proactively on their site and in media kits issued to writers.

At the recent SocialMediaClub meeting about disclosure, we asked everyone to use the tag beacon “blogger+ethics.”

Of course the idea of Tag Beacons can be used in almost anything.

For example, I recently read a post over at Stowe Boyd’s /Message that discussed the concept of using tags in the support industry – based on his discussions with Chris Carfi and Alex Barnett.

On another note, there is (or, is there) also a need for a collective, searchable tag cloud, online social app, or widget that helps day-to-day bloggers standardize on tag formats as well as capturing popular tags in a given segment – wihtout having to manually figure it out?

Contributing to Topics to Web 2point2

If you want to lead a Main Talk (in the big room) write a post and tag it with “web22talk“. If you want to lead a “How To” session or serve as a Technology Coach, write a post and tag it with “web22howto“.

About Web 2point2

Web 2point2 is an ‘unconference’ that is driven by participants and based on conversations, not powerpoints. It is run as a project of BrainJams, Inc. a California Non Profit organization that is also organizing Social Media Club

The people who will be in attendance are the influentials of the Blogosphere and Web 2.0 movement who are in the trenches doing the real work, starting up new companies and sharing their understanding of what they learn through Social Media such as blogs, vlogs and podcasts. In short, the crowd will be largely made up of peers and contemporaries in the resurgence of the Web.

Event Details

Thursday, November 9th and Friday, November 10th, 2006

Registration starts at 9:00am, sessions start at 10am and each day ends around 6:00pm

For only $32.95, registration provides you with one of the 200 spots available and includes refreshments, two lunches, a t-shirt, entrance to the Web 2point2 Release Party on November 9th, and dozens of incredibly powerful conversations with other passionate people

Web 2point2 Release Party

The event is listed on Upcoming (upcoming:event=106074) – if you are interested in seeing some of the other folks who may be attending.

If you register for the unconference, you get into the Web 2point2 Release Party FREE, through the VIP line. If you can’t make it, but you’re interested in joining the party, you can purchase a ticket in advance for $15 (plus service charge).

Join the real movers and shakers who mash it up everyday for some fun and live music on Thursday November 9, 2006 from 730pm till midnight.

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