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Business Insider: The 30 Best People In Advertising To Follow On Twitter


Business Insider’s Lara O’Reilly assembled a must-follow list of the 30 best people in advertising to follow on Twitter. Brian Solis came in at number 24.

Here’s an excerpt:

Almost every major brand harnesses Twitter to share news and build up a dialog with their customers. But, surprisingly, very few of the people behind those brands — the marketing teams, agency executives and creators of the tech that power digital advertising — use Twitter in the same way for themselves.

he Twitter accounts of most top marketers and agency CEOs are rubbish. They aren’t even updated regularly.That’s why we pulled together this list of the best people in advertising and marketing to follow on Twitter.

These are the execs that provide the best value to the industry with their tweets full of information, insight into the companies they work for, opinions on marketing, or humor and entertainment. Not all of them work at agencies or have “advertising” or “marketing” in their job titles, but we feel these people all bring value to the advertising community.

We’ve weighted our rankings using a (not entirely mathematical) scale of how often the user tweets plus whether the majority of those tweets tend to be useful/opinionated/funny/or simply brighten up people’s Twitter feeds day-to-day.

Go straight to the list



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