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QuickBase: Business Professionals Sound Off on Digital Transformation

by Alexandra Levit, QuickBase (Excerpt)

Business Professionals Sound Off on Digital Transformation

The Fast Track has examined business technology advances like digital transformation and citizen development from the perspective of the CIO and other tech leaders. But what are employees – inside and outside of IT – thinking and doing?

Digital transformation is a transformation because it affects everyone within the organization from the c-suite on down. But at this point in time, is it more of a theory – something that organizations aspire to – or a reality? A group of recent studies provide insight into the degree to which non-IT employees desire and are helping to move the needle. […]

Marketing As An Exception?

Digital transformation thought leader Brian Solis undertook an interesting experiment when he questioned 500 executives about who owns digital transformation efforts. His 2016 report, Six Stages of Digital Transformation revealed that ownership unequivocally resides with the chief marketing officer or CMO (34 percent). This probably comes as a bit of a shock to CIO/CTOs who have traditionally led technology roadmaps. In fact, the CIO/CTO followed in a distant third place at 19 percent.

Why are marketers undertaking digital transformation more quickly than everyone else? Solis suggested it’s because they are leading the charge in technology investments to upgrade and build touch points that lead connected customers along a more productive journey. And customer experience has become a major strategic priority for organizations that wish to remain competitive.

Marketing isn’t acting in a bubble, either. Solis’ research with mature companies demonstrated that the greatest digital transformation progress occurs when marketing, IT, and other functional groups work together – banding around customer experience to fix business fundamentals, remove friction, and introduce new value propositions.

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