Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: forward moving

Reaching the Blogosphere Part Duex – working with enthusiasts to attract customers

My article…Part 2 of who-knows-how-many in a series to help up-and-coming PR professionals (and those verterans who are wondering when the hell blogs became part of the PR mix) just ran on Forward Moving. “Blogger relations is an important addition to a PR program because enthusiast bloggers within a given community/market can strongly influence consumer behavior. According to Technorati, it is tracking more than 51.5 million blogs, of which, many are speaking to and advising your customers on their next…

I’ve Joined Forward Moving – My First Article Posted Today

After seeing the new Adam Sandler movie, “Click,” I’ve found a way to stop time to do more things! Among the million things I’m working on, I’ve joined Forward (Forward Thinking, Forward Moving) as Contributing Investor. This is an important project for me because in the early days of my career, I didn’t really have anyone to look up to for guidance. So, I’ve decided to share my experiences, successes and failures to help those around me grow. Each week…

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