Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: generation-n

Introducing Generation-N, The New Customer Defining the Novel Economy

Introducing Generation-N, The New Customer Defining the Novel Economy

Meet Generation-Novel, the new critical customer segment created by the pandemic. Before COVID (BC), your customer was already living a digital ritual of mobile, social, real-time for work, play and endless sharing and consumption. Now, with shelter in place and general fear of getting sick, customers are only becoming more and more digital. It’s not just for the early adopters or younger generations. Everyone is becoming equally digital because they have to. But it’s not just about tech and the…

How COVID-19 and the “Novel Economy” is changing the way customers respond to businesses

How COVID-19 and the “Novel Economy” is changing the way customers respond to businesses

TechRepublic’s Karen Roby spoke with Brian Solis, global innovation evangelist at Salesforce and bestselling author of several books, about what he calls Generation N and how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected business. The following is an edited transcript of their conversation.  Karen Roby: How our lives have changed since we last talked! This is why I was really glad to talk to you today, because Generation N! This is a concept I want you to explain, and tell everybody,…

La Génération N, les nouveaux consommateurs post-confinement – L’ADN

La Génération N, les nouveaux consommateurs post-confinement – L’ADN

Source: L’ADN Il n’y a pas que les millennials et les Z dans la vie. La crise du Covid rebat les cartes et fait apparaître de nouvelles générations, plus complexes à cerner. Épisode inédit dans nos vies, le confinement a été un catalyseur de tendances. Contraints et forcés, nous sommes passés de l’open-space au télétravail en jogging-chaussettes. Côté conso, la fermeture des magasins physiques a évidemment reporté les achats sur le digital. Mais, d’après l’anthropologue digital Brian Solis, ces nouvelles contraintes de la…

FranceSoir: La génération N: un nouveau type de consommateur transformé par la pandémie

FranceSoir: La génération N: un nouveau type de consommateur transformé par la pandémie

L’épidémie de coronavirus, accompagnée de mesures de protection sanitaires inédites, a considérablement changé les habitudes et les règles de vie en société. Aux États-Unis, pays de la société de consommation par excellence, Brian Solis a développé le concept de la génération N pour décrire un nouveau type de consommateur, complètement tourné vers le digital, né pendant la pandémie de coronavirus. Les personnes peu connectées rejoignent les générations Y et Z Brian Solis, expert en économie digitale et analyste en innovation pour Salesforce,…

The COVID-19 pandemic led to a seismic shift in consumer behavior and the future of brand

The COVID-19 pandemic led to a seismic shift in consumer behavior and the future of brand

The first issue of CORE Magazine published by Epsilon features some of my new research on disruption, the Novel Economy and new consumerism. I’d like to share it with you below… The Ultimate Disruption: The COVID-19 pandemic led to a seismic shift in consumer behavior As the virus swept the globe, brands changed how they inter- acted with customers due to social distancing and stay-at- home orders. Consumer perspectives about making purchases also shifted with fluctuations in the stock market, skyrocket-…

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