Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: quantum

Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing Will Change our World Completely

Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing Will Change our World Completely

It was just 14 months since I was in Mumbai. Seems like a lifetime ago already. At NASSCOM, I had the opportunity to present on #quantumcomputing and also separately on the importance of human-centered design in technology. It was truly an amazing event. Before I left, Suresh Venkat invited me to a video conversation about tech and humanity. I wanted to share a clip with you. I’m definitely going to spend more time on this subject over the coming year….

Ten Digital Years Ahead: What Does the World Look Like on the Other Side of AI and Quantum Computing?

Ten Digital Years Ahead: What Does the World Look Like on the Other Side of AI and Quantum Computing?

While in Mumbai to keynote the NASSCOM Technology and Leadership forum, I had a chance to sit down with Suresh Venkat. What an incredible conversation! We explored the role Quantum computing will play in our world. We also discussed technology’s evolving impact on business, markets, and society. I hope you find our discussion helpful! If you’re interested in my presentation on quantum computing, it’s available here. Thank you!  

2020 Enterprise Technology Trends: Digital Transformation, AI, Cognitive Automation and Quantum Computing

2020 Enterprise Technology Trends: Digital Transformation, AI, Cognitive Automation and Quantum Computing

Karen Roby is a veteran reporter for TechRepublic and ZDNet. Every so often, we get together to talk the latest tech trends and explore how organizations can successfully navigate their path forward. In our latest conversation, we talk about the state of digital transformation, quantum computing, customer experience, and enterprise innovation. Please watch the video here. Full article here. Analyst Brian Solis explains why he is also excited about quantum computing, cognitive automation, and robotic process automation. Karen Roby: You…

Quantum Computing Will Solve the Problems We Only Dreamed of One Day Decoding

Quantum Computing Will Solve the Problems We Only Dreamed of One Day Decoding

I was speaking with Mercedes Cardona recently as she prepared to write an article on Quantum Computing for Adobe’s Our conversation went beyond business and marketing and explored the possibilities (and realities) of the impact of Quantum Computing on our world. Her article is now live. I also wanted to share the deeper conversation we had that didn’t make the cut. Can Quantum Computing One Day Solve All Of Our Business Problems? Autonomous cars that can avoid traffic jams….

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