Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

If you struggle to disconnect from technology, you are not alone; Here’s how to minimize distractions and reclaim your creativity

If you struggle to disconnect from technology, you are not alone. Learn to minimize distractions and reclaim your creativity with insights from Lifescale…especially in these times of remote work and working from home – via EBSCO accel5

Technology has influenced every part of human life. It’s fueled tremendous advancements, improved access to information, and introduced greater opportunities for connection. For many people, however, it’s also contributed to feelings of distraction and discontentment, diminished their capacities for focus and critical thinking, and undermined their mental health.

Lifescale explores how technology distractions have impacted his happiness, creativity, and productivity and shares the prescriptive course he has used to re-center his mind and rekindle his joy. You can use his process of lifescaling to reconnect with your own happiness, creativity, and compelling vision in the face of distractions.

This is a brief description by accel5. To view the full book summary or video, you can start a free 7-day trial here


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